Campolide is located in the old town area of Lisbon, the most commercialized area and the most prosperous and historical area of Lisbon, along the Avenida da Liberdade, known as the Champs Elysees of Portugal, from the Plaza de la Compañía de la Paz, where luxury stores, famous restaurants, and 5-stars hotels are located.
卡利德公寓位於里斯本老城區。此處為里斯本最多元化和商業化的區域,也是里斯 本最繁華、歷史最悠久的區域。區域從龐巴爾伯爵廣場沿著自由大道一直延伸至商 業廣場,最南到特茹河。卡利德公寓有著得天獨厚的地理位置優勢,藝術新派、餐廳、 酒吧、公園和酒店都聚集於此。
建築類型: 公寓 / 商舖
樓層: 4層
86.83 - 88.81m² 臨街旺舖
37.41 - 56.49m² 洋房公寓
備註: 部分房源附加陽台
出租收益: 負責出租 3 年
預計收益: 3%/ 年

Quinta Da Pedra d’agua is located in the prestigious and wealthy area of Lisbon - Cascais.
Cascais, just 2.7km from the beach, 6 minutes away by car. The project is located approximately 28km from Lisbon city center, which is also only 20 minutes away by car. There are many famous attractions around the project, such as Roca Point and the mouth of hell. The project is also surrounded by amenities, hospitals, and schools, making it a place where you can enjoy both the luxury and the sophistication of life.
房產類型: 封閉式別墅社區,共11套聯排別墅
樓層: 2層
房產面積: 292 - 342.2m²
花園面積: 44 - 260m²
備註: 每套別墅均附加停車位、私人泳池和私家花園