Win Cheer Holdings 香港永喜集團有限公司

Win Cheer International Management Consultants Limited, a wholly-owned overseas subsidiary of Win Cheer Holdings, assists Win Cheer in exclusively serving clients in Taiwan.

Products and Services:

(1)Real Estate Commerce: The business of buying real estate and selling it or selling it after finishing and repairing it.
(2)Business consulting and management consulting services: We provide business management, consulting, and related issues.
(3)Investment Consultancy: The industry of introducing, consulting, and advising domestic and foreign investments. Housing rental, sales, and decoration management consultants: Real estate property purchased for sale or repaired and sold.
(4)General Advertising Services: The design and production of advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and other media.
(5)Residence and Buildings Lease Construction and Development: Investment and development of general residential, national residential, industrial and commercial building rental and sale business.
(6)Study Abroad Services: Consulting, arranging, and handling applications for overseas study, short-term credit course training, and travel study courses.
(7)International Trade: International trade consulting services: We are engaged in general merchandise import and export trade business.

T: +886 0932 318 118
NO: 83409117



(1) 不動產買賣業營業項目: 購進不動產逕行出售或整理修繕後辦理出售之行業。

(2)商業顧問專業諮詢管理顧問服務: 從事提供企業管理、諮詢及有關問題研討之行業。

(3)房地產投資顧問: 從事國內、外投資之引介及諮商、顧問之行業。住屋租售、裝潢管理顧問 購進不動產逕行出售或整理修繕後辦理出售之行業。

(4)一般廣告宣傳業務服務: 從事報紙、雜誌或其他媒體廣告之設計、繪製等行業。從事廣告代理之行業亦歸入本類。

(5)住宅及大樓開發、租售等業務: 投資開發興建一般住宅、國民住宅、工商大樓之出租、出售行業。

(6) 留學、遊學申請就學服務: 從事海外進修學位之留學、短期學分課程之研修、或旅遊學習課程等入學之諮詢、安排或代辦申請手續等之業務。

(7)國際貿易類諮詢服務: 從事一般商品進出口貿易業務。

電話 : +886 0932 318 118
統編: 83409117

About Win Cheer:

"The world is the playground of life, life should be lived with excitement and joy" —— Angelica Lan

Life is a once-in-a-lifetime journey, and time cannot be revisited. We provide you with information on legal residency and citizenship around the world, making the world a playground like your life. With our years of experience, we have chosen the right and fast investment method to give you a variety of options for success at every stage of your career, with no worries. The freedom to have this exciting and lively journey. With over 30 years of experience in real estate investment in various countries, we have successfully assisted many high net worth clients in planning their corporate taxation, miscellaneous affairs for multi-national businessmen, family settlement, and schooling for their children, including private property succession.

In the past, we have met with buyers from different countries and with different needs in many countries. The first common consideration is the preservation of value, and after this foundation is solidly established, we can then select the investment object of our choice. With our years of experience, we understand our customers' needs and are able to meet them in practice. For this reason, we have never been concerned about the cost of development, nor are we limited to a particular country, and we continue to invest in research and development in order to find highly rewarding, low-cost investment targets for our clients internationally, ensuring that every real estate object is of high quality and prestige. We also offer a complete range of asset allocation plans tailored to the needs of our high net worth clients. We have made every effort to ensure that our clients are satisfied and that we have made many good friends. To us, this is not only a business exchange but also a priceless friendship that affirms all of YSI's efforts and enriches the business harmony between us.


“這個世界就是人生的遊樂場,生命要活得精彩暢快” —— Angelica Lan


永喜過去在多個國家的地產銷售生涯中,接觸到世界各地不同國家及不同需求的買家,無論是歐洲或亞洲,客戶在選擇投資標的時,有些投資是為求增值,期待上漲的潜力為目的,有些則是以實現人生樂趣、尋求享受生活為主,惟首皆有一個共同的考量: 即是先以保值為前題,事先穩固了這個基礎,繼而挑選心目中的投資物件。永喜積累多年的豐富經驗,我們洞悉客戶的心聲,並實際做到真正滿足客戶的需求。為此,一路走來,永喜從不計較開發成本,亦不侷限在某個國度,綿綿不斷投入高昂的開發研究成本,旨為客戶們在國際間遍尋高報酬、低成本的投資標的,確保每一個不動產物件皆具備高品質、高標信譽的水準。同時更為高淨值客戶的需求,量身打造一系列完整的資產配置規劃。永喜竭盡能事的努力,乃期望每一位永喜的客戶滿意達標,也因緣際會結交了許多摯親的好朋友。對我們而言,這不僅是商業交流,其中無價的友誼,再在肯定了永喜所有的努力,是也豐富了彼此間商務的和諧。